Heidi Bisson

Heidi Bisson

Senior Project Coordinator, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice


Heidi Bisson


Heidi has been part of the Jail Diversion team since January 2016. Prior to joining the team, she held positions in nonprofit fundraising and development, and served as editorial assistant on the community-based social justice research project, Uniting Detroiters: People’s Atlas and Documentary. Heidi’s experience on the Uniting Detroiters project, along with earning a bachelor’s in urban studies, heightened her awareness of social justice issues and sparked an interest in systems change.

During her time on the team, Heidi has worked on a number of initiatives, including Stepping Up, Crisis Response, Assisted Outpatient Treatment and Courts, and the Jail Diversion Pilot Evaluation. Along the way, she has honed her skills as her interest in program evaluation has flourished. Heidi has worked closely with a wide variety of project partners, including community mental health leaders and staff, Sheriff’s department admin and staff, project funders, state leaders, and CBHJ consultants and team members. With tenacity and keen attention to detail, Heidi focuses her efforts on meaningful work that contributes to improving both system and individual outcomes.


Heidi currently serves as a senior project coordinator for the Jail Diversion initiative, focusing on the Diversion Intervention through Boundary Spanners (DIBS) project. Heidi is the primary liaison between county partners, consultants, and the CBHJ team, facilitating engagement and collaboration around all aspects of the project, including evaluation planning and implementation, data collection, and fidelity monitoring. As a senior project coordinator, she also provides guidance and leadership to the CBHJ DIBS team, provides mentorship for other coordinators and staff and participates in the development of reports and proposals.

Degrees and Certifications

  • M.S., Criminal Justice, Wayne State University (Spring 2024)
  • B.A., Urban Studies, Wayne State University
  • A.A., Liberal Arts, Oakland Community College


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