April 13, 2017: AMP - a creative solution to local problems in Ghana while exploring the possibilities of technology
The DHatWayne Humanities Center Working Group, Network Detroit, the Wayne State University Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Wayne State School of Social Work are proud to co-host Yasmine Abbas and DK Osseo-Asare, architects and designers working in Ghana, France, and the US for an event entitled AMP Makerspaces, Technology, Grassroots Development, and Social Welfare in Ghana. Their work sits at the intersection of engineering, architecture, urban planning/urban studies, social work, anthropology and digital humanities. Through their AMP project, Abbas and Osseo-Asare created a digital map of e-waste sites and a makerspace platform in the Accra, Ghana, slum of Agbogbloshie, which empowers young people to design creative solutions to local problems and explore the possibilities of technology. They are currently in the U.S. to receive a SEED award that recognizes their extraordinary work.
We encourage you to join us at this conversation about community-engaged applied scholarship and share the event flyer, this email and above video on their project.
DATE & TIME: Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 3:00 pm
LOCATION: Wayne State's Facilities and Administration Building (FAB), #2339 (656 W. Kirby, Detroit, MI 48202)
AUDIENCE: Faculty, staff, students and the public
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Jennifer Hart at jennifer.hart4@wayne.edu or 313-577-2525 or the AMP website.