Graduate Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Studies Info Session

The School of Social Work is hosting an information session for students and practitioners who are interested in learning more about the Graduate Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Studies (CADAS). This 12-credit graduate certificate involves courses on the psychological, physiological, and social aspects of substance abuse, the impact of substance abuse on individuals, families, and society, as well as current prevention and treatment strategies designed to help those impacted by, at risk of and with substance use disorders. CADAS is a 12 credit interdisiplinary program open to graduate students or graduates with a master's degree or higher. Fall application priority deadline is March 15, 2015. The CADAS coordinator and advisor will be available to talk with students and provide information about the coursework and application process. For more information on CADAS visit:

Location: Thompson Home, Rm 36, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

For more information about this event, please contact Betsy Cutcher at 313-577-4464 or

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