March 2: Join producer & director Audrey Geyer for a viewing and discussion of "Our Fires Still Burn: The Native American Experience" film

The Wayne State University School of Social Work and Social Justice Committee invite you to join us to view this compelling one hour documentary which invites viewers into the lives of contemporary Native American role models in Michigan. It dispels the myth that Native Americans have disappeared from the American horizon, and reveals how First Nation People continue to persist, heal from the past, confront the challenges of today, keep their culture alive, and make significant contributions to society. Producer and director Audrey Geyer is presenting and will be dialoguing with attendees directly after the screening. RSVP's are requested but not required. PDF flyer


DATE & TIME: Friday, March 2, 2018 from 6 to 8 pm

LOCATION: Wayne State Student Center, Room 285 (5221 Gullen Mall, Detroit, MI 48202)

AUDIENCE: All our welcome

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: No pre-registration needed. 2 CE's available at the door for $10 (exact change cash or check only please)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Email or visit the WSU Main Event Calendar listing here.

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