Social Work launches Inside Out course exploring the criminal justice system from within the Detroit Re-entry
SW 6991: The Impact of Social Policies on Criminality, Criminalization, and the Criminal Justice System
This 3 credit course is part of the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program and is unlike any other class offered at WSU. The semester-long course meets once per week inside the Detroit Reentry Center (DRC) located less than ten minutes away from the university. The class combines WSU students (outside students) with an equal number of incarcerated men (inside students) at the DRC in Detroit, MI. Both WSU and incarcerated students have the same syllabus and academic requirements, and students learn about crime and justice together through collaboration and dialogue.
Inside-Out was founded in 1997 by Lori Pompa at Temple University with the first class taking place in the Philadelphia Prison System. Pompa noted, "We are breaking down the walls that divide us". The program has since grown to include 565 trained instructors from 40 states and 6 countries reaching over 20,000 students. The vision of Inside-Out states "We believe that, by studying together and working on issues of crime, justice, and related social concerns, those of us inside and outside of prison can catalyze the kinds of changes that will make our communities more inclusive, just, humane, and socially sustainable." Learn more.
This course is open to any WSU grad or undergrad student, with priority given to Social Work students who are approved by the professor.
DATE & TIME: 2020 Winter semester, Tuesday's from 6:00 - 8:30 pm
LOCATION: Detroit Re-entry Center (17600 Ryan Rd, Detroit, MI 48212)
APPLY: The deadline to submit an application to participate in this course is 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 31, 2019. Only applications submitted by the deadline will be considered. Students will undergo an interview process resulting in the selection of 15 students to participate in the course.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Associate Professor Erin Comartin at or see the course flyer