Publications May 2017
Jerry Brandell has published a new paperback edition of Narration and Therapeutic Action: The Construction of Meaning in Psychoanalytic Social Work, Routledge Press, London & New York.
Carolyn Dayton and Johanna Malone published a paper entitled "The Development and Socialization of Physical Aggression in Very Young Boys," for a Special Issue of the Infant Mental Health Journal on "Boys at Risk: Indictors from Birth to Five."
Kral, M.J. & White, J. Moving toward a critical suicidology. Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 5, 1099-1100.
Reidy, D. E., Krusemark, E., Kosson, D. S., Kearns, M. C., Smith-Darden, J., & Kiehl, K. A. (2017). The development of severe and chronic violence among youth: the role of psychopathic traits and reward processing. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-16.