
Carolyn Dayton, Laurel Hicks and colleagues published a paper in the journal Social Work Research, entitled, “Expectant Fathers’ Beliefs and Expectations about Fathering as They Prepare to Parent a New Infant.” (Dayton, Buczkowski, Muzik, Goletz, Hicks, Walsh & Bocknek, 2016).

Dr. Gonzalez-Prendes published the following article with MSW graduate Katy M. Carlson:

Carlson, K. M. & González-Prendes, A. A.  (2016). Cognitive behavioral therapy with religious and spiritual clients: A critical perspective. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health. Available online at:

Kim D. Jaffee, Adrienne B. Dessel & Michael R. Woodford (2016) The nature of incoming graduate social work students' attitudes toward sexual minorities, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 28:4, 255-276, DOI: 10.1080/10538720.2016.1224210

Megan Piel recently published an article titled, “Empathy as an essential foundation to successful foster parenting,” in the Journal of Child and Family Studies

Smith-Darden, J.P., Kernsmith, P.D., Victor, B. G., & Lathrop, R.A. (2017). Electronic displays of aggression in teen dating relationships: Does the social ecology matter? Computers in Human Behavior. 67, 33-40.

Ryan, J.P., Victor, B.G., Moore, A.,  Mowbray, O. & Perron, B.E. (2016).  Recovery coaches and the stability of reunification for substance abusing families in child welfare.  Children & Youth Services Review, 70, 357-363.