Publications September 2016

Smith-Darden, J.P., Reidy, D. E., & Kernsmith, P. D. (in press) Are adolescent stalkers violent? A latent class association, Journal of Adolescence.

Smith-Darden, J.P., Kernsmith, P.D., & Reidy, D.E, Cortina, K. S. (in press). Anger, acceptance of violence, conflict resolution strategies, and teen dating violence: In search of modifiable risk and protective factors, Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Reidy, D. E., Smith-Darden, J. & Kernsmith, P. D. (in press) Prevalence and correlates of stalking victimization in adolescents: A latent profile analysis approach, American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Kernsmith, P.D., Victor, B.G. & Smith-Darden, J.P., (in press) Online, off-line and over the line: Coercive sexting among adolescent dating partners. Youth and Society.

Goodlett, B. D., Trentacosta, C. J., McLear, C., Crespo, L., Wheeler, R., Williams, A., Chaudhry, K. & Smith-Darden, J. (in press). Maternal Depressive Symptoms and At-Risk Young Children’s Internalizing Problems: The Moderating Role of Mothers’ Positivity, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.

Comartin, E. & Kernsmith, P.D. (2016). Social Constructions of Sex Offenders: Fear and Myth Acceptance as Predictors of Sex Offender Management Policies. Sociology and Social Welfare, 43(2): 39-66.

McLear, C., Trentacosta, C. J., & Smith-Darden, J. (2016). Child Self-Regulation, Parental Secure Base Scripts, and At-Risk Kindergartners’ Academic Achievement. Early Education and Development, 27(4), 440-456.

Reidy, D.E., Smith-Darden, J.P., Cortina, K.S., Kernsmith, R.M., & Kernsmith, P.D. (2015) Gender role discrepancy stress and teen dating violence perpetration among adolescent males. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Praill, N., González-Prendes, A. A.,Kernsmith, P. (2015). An exploration of relationships between attitudes towards anger expression and personal style of anger expression in women in the United States and Canada. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 36: 397-406.

Bryan Victor recently published a study entitled, "Foster home placements and the probability of family reunification: Does licensing matter?" in Child Abuse & Neglect.