Center for Research December 2016
The Wayne State School of Social Work will have a strong showing at the Society for Social Work Research 21st Annual Conference in New Orleans. Here are the dates, times and locations of SSW presentations:
Thursday, January 12, 2017
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Bissonet
Kim D. Jaffee, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor
22P ePoster: Primary Care Providers' Willingness to Continue Access to Hormone Therapy for Transgender Individuals
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Preservation Hall Studio 9
Joanne P. Smith-Darden, PhD, Assistant Professor of Research; Joanne L. Sobeck, PhD, Associate Dean for Research;
Oral Presentation: Community Engagement with Michigan Area Health Education Centers (AHEC): Selecting Strategies and Making Choices
1:30 to 3:00 pm, Balconies K
Laurel M. Hicks, MSW, PhD Candidate; Carolyn J. Dayton, PhD, Assistant Professor; Suzanne Brown, PhD, Assistant Professor;
Symposia: Dispositional Mindfulness As a Moderating Mechanism for the Association Between Depression and Quality of Parental Bonding in Urban Expectant Parents
Friday, January 13, 2017
8:00 to 9:30 am, Balconies K
Suzanne Brown, PhD, Assistant Professor; Bryan G. Victor, MSW, Doctoral Student; Carolyn J. Dayton, PhD, Assistant Professor. Symposia: Differential Effects of Maternal and Paternal Warmth on Adult Recovery Support and Personal Network Characteristics Among Women in Substance Abuse Treatment
12:30 to 1:30 pm, Preservation Hall Studio 1
Tam E. Perry, PhD, Assistant Professor. Special Interest Group: Anthropology and Social Work
1:45 to 3:15 pm, Bissonet. Erin Comartin, PhD, LMSW, Assistant Professor
248P ePoster: Countywide implementation of CIT: Multiple methods and alternative outcomes
1:45 to 3:15 pm, Bissonet
Michael Kral, PhD, Associate Professor. 388P ePoster: Stress and Resilience Among Inuit Youth in Arctic Canada
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Preservation Hall Studio 1
Angelique G. Day, PhD, Assistant Professor; Cheryl Somers, PhD, Professor of Education;
Oral Presentations: Predictors of Early Pregnancy Among Female Foster Youth: An Analysis of Medicaid Claims Data
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Preservation Hall Studio 2. Angelique G. Day, PhD, Assistant Professor; Cheryl Somers, PhD, Professor of Education;
Oral Presentations: Examining the Well-Being of Court-Involved, Female Youth Exposed to a Trauma-Informed Teaching Intervention
3:30 to 5:00 pm, Regent
Tam E. Perry, PhD, Assistant Professor; Michael Kral, PhD, Associate Professor; Roundtable: Anthropological Research in Social Work: Contributions, Challenges, Future Directions
Saturday, January 14, 2017
8:00 to 9:30 am, Bissonet. Liliana Hernandez, MSW, MPP, Faculty Affiliate; Angelique G. Day, PhD, Assistant Professor; Michael Henson, BA, Doctoral Student;
407P ePoster: Increasing College Access and Retention Rates of Foster Youth: An Analysis of the Impact of 23 State Tuition Waivers
8:00 to 9:30 am, Preservation Hall Studio 9. Kim D. Jaffee, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor. Oral Presentation: Primary Care Providers' Willingness to Provide Routine Care to Transgender Individuals
8:00 to 9:30 am, La Galeries 5
Tam E. Perry, PhD, Assistant Professor; Vanessa Rorai, MSW, Graduate Research Assistant; Symposia: Intergenerational Transfer and Older Adult Living Environments: A Case Study of Team Ethnography
9:45 to 11:15 am, Preservation Hall Studio 4. Kim D. Jaffee, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor; Megan Hayes Piel, PhD, Assistant Professor; Oral Presentation: An Assessment of Child Protective Services (CPS) Workers LGBT Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills for Affirming the Safety of LGBT Youth and Families
9:45 to 11:15 am, La Galeries 5
Caitlin Cassady, LMSW, Doctoral Student. Symposia: The Impact of Language in Discourses on Physician Assisted Dying: Untangling the Threads of Discord in the Case of Brittany Maynard
9:45 to 11:15 am, La Galeries 4. Carolyn J. Dayton, PhD, Assistant Professor; Laurel M. Hicks, MSW, Doctoral Candidate; Suzanne Brown, PhD, Assistant Professor; Symposia: Prenatal Bonding and Child Abuse Potential: Risk and Resilience in Vulnerable, Pregnant Mothers and Fathers
9:45 to 11:15 am, Preservation Hall Studio 7
Richard Smith, PhD, Associate Professor
Oral Presentation: Did Subsidized Housing Ensure Healthy Development Environments for All Youth? an Application of Sequence Analysis
12:30 to 1:30 pm, La Galeries 2. Megan Hayes Piel, PhD, Assistant Professor and Angelique G. Day, PhD, Assistant Professor. Special Interest Group: Foster Care Youth and Higher Education
12:30 to 1:30 pm, Balconies J
Richard Smith, PhD, Associate Professor
Special Interest Group: Integrating R into Your Classroom and Research
2:00 to 3:30 pm, Preservation Hall Studio 2
Megan Hayes Piel, PhD, Assistant Professor
Oral Presentation: Developing a Mental Health Service Experience Inventory for Transition Age Foster Youth
2:00 to 3:30 pm, Bissonet
Megan Hayes Piel, PhD, Assistant Professor
536P ePoster: Examining Predictors of Healthy Functioning for Foster Families: Implications for Strengths-Based Practice
2:00 to 3:30 pm, Bissonet. Bryan G. Victor, MSW, Doctoral Student; Davia B. Steinberg, BA, Graduate Research Assistant; Joanne P. Smith-Darden, PhD, Assistant Professor for Research; Valerie A. Simon, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology; Poco D. Kernsmith, PhD, Associate Professor;
520P ePoster: Variations in the Onset of Adolescent Sexting and Associations with Risk Behavior over Time
Sunday, January 15, 2017
8:00 to 9:30 am, La Galeries 1
Suzanne Brown, PhD, Assistant Professor; Carolyn J. Dayton, PhD, Assistant Professor; Laurel M. Hicks, MSW, PhD Candidate;
Oral Presentation: We Have to Set an Example for Them: Expectant Fathers' Perceptions of the Impact of Interpersonal Violence on their Child
8:00 to 9:30 am, Bissonet
Laurel M. Hicks, MSW, PhD Candidate; Carolyn J. Dayton, PhD, Assistant Professor; Suzanne Brown, PhD, Assistant Professor;
596P ePoster: Potential of Child Abuse and Mindfulness in Urban Expectant Mothers and Fathers
8:00 to 9:30 am, La Galeries 2
Poco D. Kernsmith, PhD, Associate Professor; Bryan G. Victor, MSW, Doctoral Student; Joanne P. Smith-Darden, PhD, Assistant Professor of Research;
Oral Presentation: Online, Off-Line and over the Line: Coercive Sexting Among Adolescent Dating Partners
8:00 to 9:30 am, Bissonet
Stella M. Resko, PhD, Associate Professor; Elizabeth Agius, MA, Community Research Manager; Brooke Dudek, BA, Research Assistant;
631P ePoster: Using Facebook for cost-effective recruitment of Young Adults
9:45 to 11:15 am, Bissonet
Arlene Weisz, PhD, Professor; Maria T. Schell, MA, Doctoral Student; Neva Nahan, MS, Research Coordinator;
693P ePoster: Responding to Domestic Violence: Who Gets a Personal Protection Order When Other Resources Are Scarce?
11:30 am to 1:00 pm, Preservation Hall Studio 7
Erin B. Comartin, PhD, LMSW, Assistant Professor
Oral Presentation: Gender differences in perpetration of child sex crimes: Implications for practice and policy