Philanthropy April 2019


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of the alumni, faculty and friends that donated to support the School of Social Work on April 11th for WSU Giving Day. This year we asked all of you to help us to send 50 students to Lansing for the NASW Legislative Education & Advocacy Day (LEAD). If we were able to raise $2,750 to sponsor those 50 students, our Board of Visitors pledged to cover the cost to rent the bus to get them there. We are excited to share that we hit our goal and this year we will be able to give 50 School of Social Work Students the opportunity to participate in legislative advocacy, awareness and learn through classes and seminars about issues impacting our communities!

And that's not all…

Not only did we hit the goal for our LEAD Day project, but Dean Kubiak, announced her gift of $25,000 for the creation of an Endowed Support Fund in the School of Social Work that will support activities and programs in the school with a focus on advocacy and social justice. Dean Kubiak created this fund as a way to support the school in perpetuity around this vital area of focus stating, "Social justice is tenant that is central to every social work student, practitioner, educator and researcher. This is unique to the social work profession and it is my desire to support student and faculty advocacy efforts."