Jess Goletz

Jess Goletz


Jess Goletz


 Jess Goletz is the Project Coordinator for the Center for Social Work Research and a Doctoral Candidate in Developmental Science in the Psychology Department with a Dual Title in Infant Mental Health. Jess completed their BA at Wayne State in Honors Psychology and German Studies. They completed their MA at Wayne State in Developmental Science in 2020. Outside of their work in the Center for Social Work Research, they are also completing their dissertation, titled “Storykeepers: Family Narratives, Culture, and Trauma,” a qualitative study which explores intergenerational trauma, family narratives, and cultural impact in parents with children aged 0-3. Jess also has experience as an instructor of Psychology (Developmental Psychology and Psychology of Gender) at both Wayne State and the University of Windsor (Canada).


As the coordinator for the Center for Social Work Research, Jess works with student research assistants to complete research tasks for faculty members, departmental events and programs, and community research partners. They assist in training students on research tasks and building professional skills, organize new and ongoing project work, and deliver completed projects to clients.

Degrees and Certifications

 BA, Honors Psychology and German Studies (Wayne State)

MA, Developmental Science (Psychology) and Infant Mental Health Dual Title (Wayne State)

Recent Publications

Gaillaird, A., Wallace, B., Goletz, J., Yousif, M., El-Edlebi, A., Dayton, C. (2024, under review). Father’s beliefs about early fathering: Evidence from an Urban Sample of Expectant Fathers Exposed to Adversity. The Journal of Men’s Studies.

Barron, C. C., Dayton, C. J., & Goletz, J. L. (2022). From the Voices of Supervisees: What is Reflective Supervision and How Does it Support their Work? (Part I). Infant Mental Health Journal.

Barron, C. C., Dayton, C. J., & Goletz, J. L. (2022). From the Voices of Supervisees: A Theoretical Model of Reflective Supervision (Part II). Infant Mental Health Journal.



Courses taught by Jess Goletz

Spring-Summer Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Spring-Summer Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

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