Publications August 2018
In June, Antonio González-Prendes published an article, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, for Oxford Bibliographies On line - Social Work:
González-Prendes, A. A., Hicks, L., Matthews, T., & Domke, S. Cognitive-behavioral therapy. In Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Ed. Edward J. Mullen. New York: Oxford University Press.
González-Prendes said he was particularly pleased because the article was a collaboration with three former students: M.S.W. graduates Thea Matthews and Sarah Domke and Laurel Hicks, who is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Neurodevelopmental Research Program at the University of Denver.
Tori Negash had an article accepted for publication in the Journal of Child & Family Studies. The article, titled "Child maltreatment prevention strategies and needs," is a secondary qualitative study exploring local perceptions of the causes of child maltreatment and prevention needs in 12 counties through focus groups with relevant stakeholders. The study further explores perspectives on whether existing programs are meeting local needs. Negash is second author on this publication with Kathryn Maguire-Jack from Ohio State (first author) and Kenneth Steinman.