'DO SOMETHING' - A call to the Warrior Social Work Community from Dean Kubiak

Good Morning WSU SSW Community,

As I drove to campus this morning and heard the radio news on the shootings in El Paso and Dayton this weekend, there was a group of mourners/protesters responding to public statements by government and community leaders with the chant "DO SOMETHING".

We all have heavy hearts in the wake of these acts of senseless violence. When confronted with this type of violence over and over, it is possible that it is too overwhelming and our feelings of helplessness win out. This is understandable, because it is so painful.

But we, as part of the community of this country - and as social workers - must also "DO SOMETHING"! Whether it is calling/writing our local, state and federal legislators; fostering civility and respectful discourse on our political differences; providing grief work and healing to loved ones affected or triggered by such violence; and/or always living our values of respect for human dignity - we must act.

Sending you positive and healing energy to start/continue our collective action!

Sheryl Kubiak, Ph.D., M.S.W.
Dean, School of Social Work
Wayne State University
5447 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202

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