BSW Program Full-time Plan of Work

The Bachelor of Social Work degree requires satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 credits. These consist of 60 credits in the freshman and sophomore years, including University General Education requirements, and social work prerequisite course for admission to the professional component for the program. The remaining 60 credits in the junior and senior years include 51 credits of required social work courses and practicum work and 9 credit hours of general education elective course offering.

The plan of work is subject to change without notice.

Full-time junior year

Fall Cr Winter Cr
SW 3010 Social Work Practice Method I 4 SW 3020 Social Work Practice Method II 3
SW 3030 Professional Writing for Social Workers   2 SW 3810 Research Methods, Data Analysis, and Practice Evaluation I 3
SW 3510 Human Behavior in the Social Environment     3 SW 3110 Diversity, Oppression & Social Justice 3
SW 3710 Social Welfare and the Social Work: History, Trends & Basic Concepts 3 SW 3410 Foundations of Ethics and Values in Social Work 3

Full-time senior year

Fall Cr Winter Cr
SW 4010 Social Work Group Theory & Practice 3 SW 4020 Social Work Macro Theory & Practice 3
SW 4710 Social Welfare in the United States: Current Programs   3 SW 4997 Integrative Seminar 3
SW 4810 Research Methods, Data Analysis, and Practice Evaluation II  3 SW 4998 Practicum Practice in Social Work 5
SW 4998 Practicum Practice in Social Work  5 SW 4442 Practicum Education Seminar 1
SW 4441 PracticumEducation Seminar   1 Elective (if needed) 3
Elective (if needed)     3 - -
TOTAL 15-18 TOTAL 15-18