News and Announcements
- Social Work Activists in Action: Listening, Learning and Action "" the story of Sara Gleicher
- Social Work publishes June 2020 issue of Innovators, Our Social Work Newsletter
- June 24 ASWB Exam Panel - Tips, Planning & Preparation event video now on YouTube
- From the classroom to the community: social work alum trains the next generation of change agents
- Social Work Warrior Suzanne Brown named a Warrior Unsung Hero by Board of Governors
- More than just a hashtag. A social work exploration of racial inequality in Detroit and steps to move us forward.
- Tam Perry recognized for work with older adults as a 2020 Gerontological Society of America fellow
- Summer interns partner with Social Work researcher to explore the effects of COVID-19 on older Detroiters
- Meet me in the Neighborhood: Social Work IPTV students engage older adults in the heart of Detroit
- Meet me in the Neighborhood: Social Work CHIP students support homeless Detroiters
- Office of Multicultural Student Engagement celebrates June 2020 Pride Month
- Wayne State public health social workers tackle health inequalities and improve the lives of Detroiters during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Wayne State CHAMPS program supports foster care youth on her social work warrior journey to the finish line
- Save time and money: Social Work launches AGRADE path for CLAS students
- CBHJ and Michigan Center for Youth Justice issue report on COVID-19 response in Michigan's Juvenile Justice system
- WSU and UM Schools of Social Work host weekly discussion group for leaders and practitioners in the fatherhood field
- Parenting tips for dads during the COVID-19 crisis
- Social Work faculty encourages Warriors to share how they are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic in brief survey
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice convenes hundreds of community partners for inaugural Opioid Treatment Ecosystem Summit
- IN THE NEWS Corp Magazine: How We Pivoted: Detroit Parent Collective Pushes Pause on Expansion to Focus on Mental Health Support
- IN THE NEWS The Conversation: What the coronavirus crisis reveals about vulnerable populations behind bars and on the streets
- Social Work foundation helps alum cultivate a successful career in wealth management and give back to his community
- The School of Social Work works to advance social justice with the launch of a minor in social work and social justice
- IN THE NEWS Detroit Free Press: Second Wayne State student succumbs to COVID-19
- Remembering BSW student Antoinette Bell