News and Announcements
- For over a decade, Antonio González-Prendes has advocated for social justice and cultural humility in Detroit
- Protect the Vulnerable: Social Work Warriors challenge new rules for Medicaid, SNAP benefits
- 2020 Social Work Student Research Symposium student application now open
- Social Work Student Research Community launches updated CANVAS site for student research resources
- A Message from Dean Kubiak - join the Nov. 21 community advocacy discussion on immigration and refugees
- 2019 Edith Harris Event: Advocating for Social Justice: Immigration Policy and Social Work Practice
- Social Justice Warriors Making Their Mark in Print: November 2019 Publication Highlights
- Social Work hosts student event on secondary trauma
- Dean Kubiak calls on the Social Work Warrior Community to join us in advocating for immigrants
- Social Work launches Inside Out course exploring the criminal justice system from within the Detroit Re-entry
- CHIP bridges gap between classroom and real-world experience
- WSU SSW Center for Behavioral Health and Justice presents to the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration during third Task Force meeting
- The CBHJ presents MI-REP outcomes at the 20th Annual Substance Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Disorder Conference
- Dean Kubiak, CBHJ participate in the Michigan Celebrate Recovery Walk and Rally
- Social Work faculty explore female sex offenders in recent article with The Conversation
- Wayne State seeking input to provide support for previously incarcerated students
- Michigan Mental Health Diversion Council Pilot Summit showcases promising jail diversion practices from across Michigan
- Center for Behavioral Health and Justice welcomes incoming director Brad Ray from Indiana University
- Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration hosts listening session in Northern Michigan
- CBHJ Director Brad Ray interviewed by Filter Magazine on increasing Fentanyl-Meath deaths in Indiana
- We are hiring! WSU Student Research Assistants needed for violence prevention program
- Explore a new subject in a School of Social Work course this Fall
- The Maryann Mahaffey Movement: Memorializing a Detroit social justice pioneer
- Dean Sheryl Kubiak advocating for victims inside and outside of jails as a member of the Michigan Joint Task Force on Jail and Pretrial Incarceration
- 'DO SOMETHING' - A call to the Warrior Social Work Community from Dean Kubiak