Practitioner Reflection on Actions, Competnecies/Characteristics and Situation, by Impact and Strategies, also known as PRACSIS, is a framework, in grid form, which can help social work students understand and use the concept in a thoughtful and explicit way (Alvarez, 2001). PRACSIS is a macro alternative to a process recording that follows the process through to its logical conclusion, including the delineation of strategies to improve and maximize the effectiveness of another such interaction in the future (Alvarez, 2001). PRACSIS looks at a situation or interaction and attempts to decipher perceptions and assign logical implications for such responses. PRACSIS strives to reveal personal and situational limitations that can or do hinder the growth/ progression of the relationship.

Students pursuing the innovation in community, policy and leadership concentration in the advanced year of the MSW degree program are required to submit 5 completed PRACSIS frameworks per semester to the assigned faculty practicum liaison.


There are no requirements as to the length, type of interaction, etc. of a PRACSIS, as long as it is complete and thorough. The process is solely choosing a point in time to be analyzed to strengthen student growth and development. An entire meeting or interaction does not need to be recorded; however, the portion that is used should include a "beginning, middle, and end phase" that completely addresses a significant moment in time. When creating a PRACSIS, use the following format.

Practitioner Scenario

The description of the situation (overview) comes first. This should include the expected goal or outcome of the situation. The second row should describe the actions of the practitioner (general but in sequential order). In the third row, list the social work competencies practiced in the practioner scenario. Finally, share the characteristics of the practitioner relevant to the scenario. All practitioner scenario sections are outlined in separate areas and are completed through the student's view of the situation, personal actions, and personal characteristics.

Impact - Positive or Negative as Perceived by Student or Others

This refers to the manner in which the student perceived or viewed the situation, with reference to the four sections of the practitioner scenario column. This section could include such indicators as student feelings and preconceptions. The manner in which the student felt the other party or the environment/ situation responded, with reference to the four sections of the practitioner scenario column. Indicate the relevant similarities and differences in social characteristics between you and others in the interaction, remembering that what might not seem relevant to you might be relevant to someone else, and vice versa. Try to think about relevance from dominant and non-dominant perspectives. This section should include evidence such as body language, tone, and mannerisms (including how things are said as well as what is said). Include effects resulting from specific moments during the interaction, with reference to the four sections of the practitioner scenario column. Describe how these factors, and your similarities and differences, may have influenced the interaction.

Implications for Strategy and Practice

This section refers to the outcome and/or learning that resulted from specific moments during the interaction with reference to the four sections of the practitioner scenario column.
