Practicum instructors

IPT tips image

Practicum Instructor IPT Tips

  1. Intern Placement Tracking (IPT):
  2. Email at anytime to have your password reset & Visit our website for an IPT Tutorial
  3. Default organization ID: wayne (lowercase)
  4. You can access student’s assignments on your HOME screen, under MY FORMS.
  5. Check this box to hide forms you have already completed.
  6. Forms require multiple signers. This column lists who still need to sign.​
  7. This column tells you if the form is new, has been started, or is completed.

Practicum instructors supervise students at their practicum placement site, with their primary role being educational. A practicum instructor is a Masters-level Social Worker (LMSW) with 2 years post-MSW experience and is eligible for licensure in the State of Michigan, or another qualified individual identified by the Wayne State University School of Social Work.  

Practicum Instructors must submit two evaluations per semester of each student they supervise. The Midterm Evaluation allows the Faculty Practicum Liaison and practicum instructor to assess progress and make any necessary changes. The Practicum Instructor Assessment of Student Competencies (PIASC) measures student competency in internship placement and is based on competencies that form the foundation for Practicum Work courses. Practicum Instructors fill out the assessment, discuss the responses with their students, and submit the PIASC to the Faculty Practicum Liaision for review. Both the Midterm Evaluation and PIASC must be submitted through IPT.