Practicum Education Time Log
The Time Log is required of all students completing their practicum education to recording the student's hours. All students are required to fill out their Time Log weekly, even though the agency may have their own system. Please follow the guidelines below when filling out your Time Log.
Tips for completing your time log
- Round your hours to the nearest quarter hour, the Time Log is not a Time Clock.
15 minutes should be recorded as .25 (i.e. 8 hrs. and 15 min. would be recorded as 8.25)
30 minutes should be recorded as .5 (i.e. 8 hrs. and 30 min. would be recorded as 8.5)
45 minutes should be recorded as .75 (i.e. 8 hrs. and 45 min. would be recorded as 8.75)
- DO NOT put more than one week of hours on any line/row with the exception of the first week where you may enter hours for orientation that occurred before the beginning of school. These hours should be marked with an OR before the date do designate is was orientation. If you are in a 2-day practicum placement then most lines will only have 2 dates recorded on each row, although there is space for 5 days.
- The Time Log only records decimals so if you put in a fraction it will not recognize it and therefore, your total hours will be short. (i.e. If you enter 8 ½ hours your total will only calculate 8 hours.)
- DO NOT enter your total hours, the Time Log will automatically do this. The next to the last column will show the total hours for that week and the last column will show your cumulative total. If you put in the total hours, then these columns will show double the hours you have actually worked in the community.
Time log example
If you have further questions, please contact Diane Kennedy in the Practicum Education Office at 313-577-4446 or by email at