Quick facts


active & funded grant dollars in 2023-24


active & funded grants in 2023-24


external grant proposals funded in 2023-24


articles, books, & chapters published in 2023-24

Research highlight

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs) provide health care and medical forensic evidence collection in cases of sexual assault

There are two approaches to care that guide Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs): 1. A patient-centered orientation = preferred approach that emphasizes attending to emotional needs, offering options, and respecting survivors' decisions 2. A prosecutorial orientation = emphasizes evidence collection and has been associated with fewer comprehensive services. There is a need to better understand how training can bolster the use of patient-centered orientation.
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Research and resources

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If you are a community agency in need of planning and evaluation services or research support to help with grants, the Center has a fee-for-service model to provide you with the expertise you need.  The Community Engagement & Evaluation box highlights our work with agencies in Metro Detroit and provides an explanation of services offered.