Student Learning Plan
A learning plan is required from all students in a degree program in order to ensure that specific agreedupon performance outcomes and tasks are met during the internship placement. A learning plan is created to focus the practicum education experience on the required competencies. It guides the student, practicum instructor, (and task supervisor when appropriate) in achieving these competencies. The faculty practicum liaison and practicum instructor must approve the learning plan. This document should be reviewed and amended as necessary and students should retain copies. A learning plan can be any length, as long as it is complete and thorough. The ten competencies with the corresponding behaviors are provided for students.
Key terms
The following keys terms are used in the learning plan:
Describes the knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive and affective processes that comprise the competency at the generalist level of practice, followed by a set of behaviors that integrate these components.
Represent observable components of the competencies, while the preceding statements represent the underlying content and processes that inform the behaviors.
Performance Outcomes
Describe the specific responsibilities that the student will carry out to achieve the competencies and practice behaviors. Performance outcomes are the specific tasks, duties, and responsibilities that demonstrate achievement of competencies. They should be measurable by specific criteria such as quantity, progress, duration and the like, and they should express individual ideas. Examples include: completing eight assessments, helping one client find full-time employment, and working with a group of young adults on a weekly basis. Specify exact numbers and types of task to be performed). Students should develop the performance outcomes with the assigned practicum instructor.
Details when the student hopes to begin and complete individual tasks. Think in terms of weeks and months and provide general start and end dates. Exact dates are not required. Examples include: January 2016 to March 2016 and second week in April 2016 through June 2016. Be realistic with the task start and end dates by assessing personal skill level and availability of opportunity at the agency.
Status/comments is used by the practicum instructor to note how the student is progressing toward specific competencies, practice behaviors and performance outcomes.