Completed community research projects

ACCESS Older Ethnic Adult Day Care Center Assessment

Associate Professor Faith Hopp collaborated with ACCESS Social Services on a project titled "Assessing needs for an Older Ethnic Adult Day Care Center: A Feasibility Study". Focus groups and interviews were conducted with religious leaders and community health service providers. The research team transcribed and analyzed qualitative data, and prepared a final report.

Learn more about ACCESS Older Ethnic Adult Day Care Center Assessment

Aging Partnership Program 

Worked with the practicum office to identify funding opportunities for the 'Aging Partnership Program'. The Center for Social Work Research also collaborated with the practicum office in program design and drafting proposals. 

Alternatives for Girls Program Evaluation

Alternatives for Girls improved programming for homeless and runaway girls ages 15-21 by contracting with Wayne State University's Center for Social Work Research to develop a program evaluation plan that encompassed the perspectives of multiple stakeholders: board members, program funders, participants, staff on all levels of programming and other youth serving organizations.

Learn more about Alternatives for Girls

Area Health Education Center Community Engagement Project

Joanne Sobeck and Joanne Smith-Darden of the Center for Social Work Research worked with the Upper Peninsula, Midcentral, and West Michigan Area Health Education Center (AHEC) on a community engagement strategy. They worked with AHEC staff to assess needs, determine an appropriate community engagement methodology, implement the strategies, and analyze the resulting data from the community engagement events.

Learn more about Michigan Area Health Education Center.

Assessment and Planning for BABES World Programs

Joanne Sobeck of the Center for Social Work Research and Michael Henson, Anthropology and Social Work doctoral student, collaborated with BABES World to assess BABES World programs, provided guidance on an implementation database and helped staff develop a plan towards credentialing programs. BABES (Beginning Awareness Basic Education Studies) World is a primary substance abuse prevention program for children.

Learn more about BABES World.

BECDD - CEDAM Joint Task Force

The Center for Social Work Research supported the Building The Engine of Community Development in Detroit (BECDD) in their task force initiatives including shceduling meetings, preparing documents, and meeting attendance.

Learn more about Building the Engine of Community Development in Detroit

Counseling and Psychological Services at Wayne State - Student Interest 

The Center for Social Work Research was hired by the Counseling and Psychological Services at Wayne State to collaborate on a 'Student Interest in Group Counseling or Educational Workshops at CAPS' Initiative. CSWR preapred consultation, IRB suppoer, survey programming and results review with CAPS staff.

Learn more about CAPS





CDC SHARE Project 2014/2015

Supported Eastern Michigan University in scanning CDC Share Project Surveys and providing verification Services.

Learn more about Eastern Michigan University

Cities Expanding Health Access for Children and Families Initiative

Wayne State Center for Social Work Research worked with Garden City to create a database to help staff to collect reporting required data to the National League of Cities. Support in database creation, evaluation and data analysis was provided.

Learn more about Garden City

Clara B. Ford Academy Trauma-Informed Training

Assistant Professor Angelique Day conducted trauma-informed training of the staff at Clara B. Ford Academy. Dr. Day worked closely with the principal, staff, and students at the Academy in Dearborn Heights. Staff from the Center for Social Work Research assisted with focus groups and transcription.

Learn more about Clara B. Ford Academy.

Clark Park Coalition Consultation and Evaluation

The Center for Social Work Research provided evaluation and consultation to the Clark Park Coalition (CPC) in February 2012. The Clark Park Coalition exists to provide an array of diverse, high-quality recreational, educational, social and mentoring programs for southwest Detroit families promoting skills development which helps youth grow into responsible, self-confident adults.

The evaluation and consultation included interviews with program administrators and Clark Park Coalition staff to understand the history of the Coalition and current programs. The evaluators also reviewed coalition documents, provided a logic model, an evaluation workshop for program staff, and developed an evaluation plan to be implemented by CPC.  Recommendations were made to improve the tracking of program outputs and initial outcomes. This project concluded in the Fall of 2012.

Learn more about Clark Park Coalition.

Coalition on Temporary Shelter Evaluation Planning

The Center for Social Work Research provided consultation to the Coalition of Temporary Shelter (COTS) on the evaluation plan for their Emergency Shelter. The Consultation included the articulation of long and short term outcomes and strategies for utilizing existing data to address evaluation questions.

Learn more about Coalition of Temporary Shelter (COTS).

Community Care Services Evaluation of the Support Education Project

Wayne State University's Dr. Eileen Trzcinski and the Center for Social Work Research worked in collaboration with Community Care Services (CCS) on the Supported Education Project Evaluation. CCS's Supported Education Project was developed in the early 1990s to aid individuals in recovery from psychiatric disability and co-occurring disorders by providing needed skills to return to a post-secondary education. Dr. Trzcinski and the Center developed a rigorous evaluation plan for the Supported Education Project. This effort consisted of developing data collection instruments, conducting qualitative interviews, conducting analysis on questionnaires and qualitative interviews, presenting evaluation findings, and discussing implications and results with CCS administration and staff.

In an additional evaluation endeavor, the Center for Social Work Research along with the School of Social Work aided the Community Care Services in database development for their Supported Education Project.

Learn more about Community Care Services.

Consultation, Supervision, and Training to Increase Retention of Detroit Scholarship Fund Students

Assistant Professor Angelique Day worked with the Detroit Regional Chamber (DRC) on "Consultation, Supervision, and Training to Increase Retention of Detroit Scholarship Fund Students." The goal of the project was to assist in training support personnel on the impact of trauma on learning, memory, and education retention.

Learn more about the Detroit Regional Chamber.





CTC Survey and Report

The Center of Social Work Research worked with Pathways to program a Community that Cares survey and facilitate distribution. The Center for Social Work Research collected responses and generated a report and proided feedback.

Learn more about Pathways





Curriculum Assessment Initiative with MDHHS 

MDHSS and Michigan Area Health Education Center with support from the School of Social Work are conducting a survey to determine how health care professionals in Michigan are being prepared to address particular issues in the the conext of high risk populations. 

Learn more about the Michigan Area Health Education Center 

Daybreak Program Evaluation

Dr. Joy Ernst and the Center for Social Work Research will create and execute an evaluation plan fro the Adult Day Program including staff interviews, observation and caregiver surveys. 

Learn more about the Daybreak Program

Delta Manor Assessment 2016 Survey

The Presbyterian Villages of Michigan contracted the Center for Social Work Research in an effort to assess and document the perceptions of the senior residents living at Delta Manor, including their attitudes towards issues related to the facilities, safety and activities. The Center for Social Work Research developed an evaluation and provided analyses for respondent data.

Learn more about Delta Manor Apartments.

Delta Manor and Delta Prep Better People Program Presbyterian Villages of michigan, Serving Seniors & Communities. Detroit, MI

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan and Detroit Delta Preparatory Academy for Social Justice worked with the Center for Social Work Research to pilot an intergenerational program composed of senior residents living at Delta Manor and high school students from Delta Prep. The Center for Social Work Research assisted with a needs assessment, program planning and an evaluation of the pilot program. The program promoted intergenerational conversations and activities that allowed the two groups to learn from each other.

Learn more about the Delta Manor Apartments/Presbyterian Villages of Michigan.

Detroit Area Agency on Aging Consultation

In an effort to build the capacity of organizations serving seniors, the Detroit Area Agency on Aging (DAAA) contracted the Center for Social Work Research to carry out a provider enhancement project. This project further developed the knowledge and skills of older adult service provider staff needed to meet the challenges they face. 

It is the goal of the DAAA to help their partners provide quality services and utilize business strategies to increase revenues needed to serve a growing aging population.The target groups for this project were organizations, funded by the DAAA, to provide Adult Day Services, Senior Centers and Community-based organizations.

The Center for Social Work Research designed a multi-pronged approach to build capacity for services and organizational development. Target agencies were invited to attend a two-day interactive workshop on Evidence-based Programs for Wellness Centers and Adult Day Services. These workshops introduced the concepts of evidence-based programming, health promotion and wellness. Participants were provided with many examples of evidence-based programming for seniors and considered how they could incorporate the programs and practices into their agency plans. Evaluations showed that the workshop was well received by participants.

Learn more about the DAAA.

Detroit Area Agency on Aging Literature Review

Center for Social Work Research was hired to complete a targeted literatire review on 'alternative needs-based funding formula' and 'hold harmless policies'. Futher the CSWR assessed intra-state funding formulas established by other states and the federal government.

Learn more about the DAAA

Detroit Area Agency on Aging - Needs-based Funding Consultation

Worked with the Detroit Area Agency on Aging to develop of a needs-based funding formula to replace the current model. CSWR also supported the DAAA by developing a hold harmless policy to mainitian consistent funding levels. Evaluation support also provided.

Learn more about the DAAA

Detroit Area Agency on Aging - Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities Investigation

CSWR partnered with the Detroit Area Agency on Aging to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the last 10 years of naturally occurruing retirement communities, and present findings to the DAAA.

Lern more about the DAAA

Detroit/Wayne County Frequent Users Systems Engagement (FUSE) Evaluation

The Center for Social Work research partnered with the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) on developing the "Detroit/Wayne County Frequent Users Systems Engagement (FUSE)" Evaluation. The project included consultation on project design and research activities, the development of a database used by project staff and consultation in regards to data analysis.

Learn more about the Corporation for Supportive Housing.

Developing Strong Outcomes: Southeast Michigan Community Alliance

Conducted an evaluation of the Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA) 'Developing Strong Outcomes' professional development workshop.

Learn more about SEMCA

Dynamic Dads Program Evaluation

Center for Social Work Research worked with Oakland Family Services to evaluate the 'Dynamic Dads' program and present findings to OFS staff and administration.

Learn more about Oakland Family Services

East Grand Rapids Crisis Intervention Project

The Center for Social Work Research created a framework for data collection and analysis of Crisis Intervention encounters for CIT International. CSWR also collected baseline data, provided training on collection methodology and strategy for future tracking.

Learn more about CIT International 

Elder's Perception of Age-Friendly Communities Project

Assistant Professor Richard J. Smith and the Center for Social Work Research collaborated with the University of Maryland to evaluate older adults' perception of age-friendly communities. The project included consultation on the conceptual literature on neighborhoods, communities, and other forms of place and space, appropriate use of geographic information systems, and data sources.

Learn more about Univerisity of Maryland

Evaluation of Child Protective Services Worker Training for Identifying and Referring LGBT Youth and Families to Specialized Family Group Decision Making Services

Associate Professor Kim Jaffee, along with the Social Work Research Center, collaborated with the Ruth Ellis Center on the project titled "An Evaluation of Child Protective Services Worker Training for Identifying and Referring LGBT Youth and Families to Specialized Family Group Decision Making Services." The collaboration worked to develop curriculum and conducted several training sessions in order to analyze the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of CPS and Foster Care Workers. 

Learn more about the Ruth Ellis Center.

Evaluation of Oakland Family Services' Fussy Baby and Parents as Teachers Programs

Neva Nahan of the Center for Social Work Research evaluated two infant mental health programs at Oakland Family Services (OFS): Fussy Baby and Parents as Teachers. Nahan analyzed pre and post data from program participants and presented the findings to OFS staff.

Learn more about Oakland Family Services.

Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Center After-School Program for 2012-2018

Elizabeth Agius of the Center for Social Work Research conducted her fourth year of evaluation for the West Village Academy and The Dearborn Academy 21st Century Community Learning Center after-school program. Agius conducted site visits at various schools, examined and analyzed programs for strengths, challenges and needs, provided consultation on grant submissions and reports and created reports on evaluation findings for the program Director and staff.

Learn more about the 21st Century Community Learning Center.


Everyone Together Process Evaluation

In collaboration with a team from the Center for Urban Studies at Wayne State University, this was an evaluation of a statewide initiative to build and strengthen parent networks to demand inclusion for their children with disabilities. The evaluation focuses on documenting the process of network development and assesses the feasibility of network sustainment.

Expansion and Update of the MCOSA 2010 Substance Abuse Epidemiological Study

Elizabeth Agius of the Center for Social Work Research collaborated with the Macomb County Community Mental Health, Office of Substance Abuse to expand and update the MCOSA 2010 substance abuse epidemiological study.

Learn more about the Macomb County Community Mental Health, Office of Substance Abuse.

Family Services Alliance Collaboration Evaluation

Neva Nahan of the Center for Social Work Research conducted an evaluation of the collaborative process for the Family Services Alliance of Southeastern Michigan. The Behavioral Health Collaborative (the Alliance) includes three family-service organizations: Family Services Incorporated of Detroit and Wayne County (FSI), Macomb Family Services (MFS) and Oakland Family Services (OFS). The Alliance contracted the Center for Social Work Research to conduct a process evaluation of the standardized, evidence-based service delivery model for the region and the consolidated reporting system. The evaluation included full descriptions of project efforts and process results.

Learn more about the Family Services Alliance of Southeastern Michigan.

Garden City Community Coalition Evaluation

The Center for Social Work Research worked with the Garden City Community Coalition on an evaluation of the coalition activities. These activities included group meetings, material reviews and project evaluation activities, among others.

Learn more about the Garden City Community Coalition.

Good Schools and Good Neighborhoods Initiative

Dr. Joanne Sobeck, Elizabeth Agius and Center for Social Work Research staff conducted a component of an evaluation of the Skillman Foundation's Good Neighborhoods and Good Schools Initiative at the completion of the Readiness Phase. The Center's goals were to provide a written report and recommendations, as part of the larger evaluation of this initiative conducted by Brandeis University's Center for Youth and Communities. The focus of the evaluation was to assess the organizational capacity building efforts of The Skillman Foundation. Dr. Sobeck and Aguis reviewed materials of activities from 2007 to 2010, prepared a matrix to document the Foundation's capacity building activities, conducted interviews with Skillman and organizations contracted to provide capacity building services, and provided a report of evaluation findings and recommendations. 

Learn more about Good Neighborhoods Initiative.

Great Start Collaborative Evaluation

The Center for Social Work Research partners with the Great Start Collaborative - Wayne (GSCW) on an evaluation of the Great Start Collaborative program. Online and paper surveys were distributed to GSCW members. The research team conducted interviews, data entry and analysis, and prepared a final report and presentation.

Learn more about the Great Start.

Michigan's Children Kidspeak Event 

Center for Social Work Research recorded and transcribed the 2016 'Kidspeak' event put on by Michigan's Children.

Loaves and Fishes Southwest Detroit

The Center for Social Work Research partnered with the Loaves and Fishes Southwest Detroit collaborative to provide guidance and create an evaluation plan, among other activities. The Loaves and Fishes Southwest Detroit collaborative is a collaborative of food pantries in the southwest Detroit area that assists local residents in breaking the cycle of hunger. The work on the organization includes food pantry development, management, and sustainability.

Learn more about Loaves and Fishes Southwest Detroit.

Methodist Children's Home Society

The Center for Social Work Research and the Methodist Children's Home Society collaborated on an outcome and process evaluation of the Methodist Children's Home Society in 2011-2012. This work included data entry, data analysis, and qualitative data collection and analysis among other work.

Learn more about the Methodist Children's Home Society.

Michigan ACE Evaluation

The Center for Social Work Research provided technical assistance for the evaluation of the conference Young Women Strong Leaders. The purpose of the conference was to provide leadership training to young women from area institutions of higher education. The Center for Social Work Research developed the reaction questionnaire, processed the data and provided a brief report on participants' reactions to the conference.  

Learn more about Michigan ACE.

National Council for Community Behavioral Health Care Integration Project

The Center for Social Work Research and the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare collaborated on a project for the implementation and evaluation of educational experience for social work students. The research team selected practicum placement sites, chose students that met specific criteria, and provided financial and administrative support for students and practicum placement sites. The project aimed to evaluate the impact of the combined classroom and hands-on experiences on social work students.

Learn more about the National Council for Community Behavioral Health Care Integration Project.

Neighborhood Services Organization Grant Revision

The Center for Social Work Research provided expert assistance to the Neighborhood Services Organization in the revision of a federal grant for Homeless Services programs.  The NSO is one of the largest providers of homeless services in Detroit and sought to expand their program through a SAMHSA grant. Dr. Bart Miles, whose research focus is homelessness, led the grant revision with Center staff. The NSO was pleased to announce that they received the Services in Supportive Housing grant for services to homeless Detroiters.

Learn more about the Neighborhood Services Organization.

Network of Hope Evaluation

In spring 2009, Arlene Weisz and Neva Nahan of the Center for Social Work Research assisted the Network of Hope collaborators (Looking for My Sister, Serenity Services and Wayne County) with an evaluation of their United Way-funded initiative. The initiative aimed to provide case management, individual and group counseling, support groups, and life skills training to women who were survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The collaboration also strived to link services and provide coverage across the city of Detroit. The evaluation examined progress on collaborative processes and assessed the Network's achievement of service outcomes.

Learn more about Network of Hope.

New Detroit Inc. Compassion Capital Evaluation

Elizabeth Agius (PI) of the Center for Social Work Research conducted the evaluation of the New Detroit Inc. initiative from the start, focusing on process measures, participant tracking and outcome measures for federal reporting. New Detroit Inc. is administering the second 3-year federal grant for the Compassion Capital Initiative. New Detroit's program provides competitive grant awards for capacity building in small non-profits in Detroit and the tri-county area. In addition, the program offers a comprehensive series of training and technical assistance to nonprofits in core areas such as Board Development, Program Development and Assessment.

Learn more about New Detroit, Inc.

Oakland Family Services Development Workforce Retention Evaluation

Wayne State University's Dr. Eileen Trzcinski and Dr. Neva Nahan of the Center for Social Work Research designed a comprehensive evaluation plan for Oakland Family Services' Workforce Retention program. This involved developing pre, post and follow-up questionnaires, conducting statistical analysis of the questionnaires and employee data, and presenting evaluation findings to Oakland Family Services for implementation. Through these activities OFS was able to assess current training effectiveness, analyze trends for project outcomes, and initiate staff discussions about the implications of these findings in order to improve worker retention within the organization.

Learn more about Oakland Family Services.

Oakland Family Services Barriers to Mental Health Project

Oakfand Family Services hired the Center for Social Work Research to manage the implentation of MHEF grant. CSWR conducted interviews, focus groups, coordinated activities and communicated with the MSW Institute for Health Policy.

Learn more about Oakland Family Services.

Older Adults' Experience and Understanding of the Flint Water Crisis Project

Dr. Tam Perry supported the 'Older Adults' Experience and Understanding of the Flint Water Crisis Project' in partnership with the Valley Area Agency on Aging.

Learn more about the Detroit Area Agency on Aging 

Promise Neighborhood Evaluation

Dr. Smith worked with the Black Family Development Inc. (BDFI) to evaluate the 'Promise Neighborhood' application. Further, Dr. Smith engaged in collaboration with partner organizations to build shared capacity for reserch and support capacity builiding strategies. 

Learn more about Black Family Development Inc.

Reaching Higher Evaluation Design and Implementation

In 2010, the Center for Social Work Research and the School of Social Work worked with Reaching Higher Incorporated on Evaluation Design and Implementation. The purpose of this project was to conduct a formative and summative evaluation of its youth program. The youth program operates in several public schools and non-profit agencies. The goal of the program is to motivate young people to live a life of awakened purpose with passion and confidence. The research design consisted of data collection and the development of final instruments for assessment of behavior, attendance, and GPA and demographics information. Lastly, the data was analyzed and a report with recommendations was submitted to Reaching Higher.  

Dr. Joanne Sobeck and WSU's Center for Social Work Research continued their work with Reaching Higher Incorporated (RHI) on another phase of evaluation design and implementation. The evaluation project, Continuation of Program Evaluation-Year 2, was the extension of the previous collaboration between RHI and the Center.  The purpose of the second year's phase was to conduct a formative and summative evaluation of RHI's youth program. 

Learn more about Reaching Higher Inc.

Senior Housing Preservation - Older Adult Relocation Interviews

Dr. Perry provided research support to Senior Housing Preservation - Detroit by conducting interveiews and contributing to a report aimed at educating community leaders and promoting the inclusion of low-income seniors in the vision for a greater Detroit. 

Learn more about Senior Housing Preservation - Detroit

Southeast Michigan Community Alliance Evaluation

Evlauation of the Southesast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA) Logic Model workshop. 

Learn more about the Southeast Michigan Community Alliance

The Heat and Warmth Fund

Since 1985, The Heat and Warmth Fund (THAW), a non-profit organization, has provided assistance to low-income, unemployed, and underemployed residents of Michigan so that residents can make choices that keep their families safe and warm in their own homes. Along with offering the DTE Energy Low-Income Self-Sufficiency Plan, SEMCO Monthly Assistance Plan, and Consumers Affordable Resource for Energy Program (CARE) MEAP programs to eligible consumers, THAW provides energy efficiency education, financial counseling, and case management and referral service(s) in the hope of creating a path to self-sufficiency (The Heat and Warmth Fund, 2019).  

In an effort to move Michigan forward in the area of energy assistance, THAW engaged Joanne Sobeck and Lena Boraggina-Ballard of the Center for Social Work Research to conduct a feasibility assessment that leads to a comprehensive evaluation that places THAW's vision at the forefront. The research team will use a participatory approach to ensure that the evaluation provides meaningful information to support THAW in this endeavor.

Learn more about The Heat and Warmth Fund

The Children's Center Evaluation

The School of Social Work and the Center for Social Work Research worked with The Detroit Children's Center to collect information to improve upon client service delivery. Information collected in 2009 led to the current technical assistance tasks, which involved collecting information from clinicians and supervisors to unveil the perceived barriers to successful service delivery within the organization. These investigations increased knowledge about payment systems, educational background and expertise, and revealed needs for further professional development for their staff. This information assisted the Children's Center in its effort to manage a change process throughout the agency that included restructuring clinical processes, training staff and sharing information. Ultimately, this created a better alignment between service delivery, reimbursable costs and client outcomes.

Learn more about Detroit's Children Center.

Virginia Commonwealth University - Food Security and Older Adults

Dr. Smith provided research support and consultation to Virginia Commonwealth University on their project called 'Is food security essential to the relationship between the physical and socila environments and the well-being of older adults?'

Learn more about Virginia Commonwealth University

Wayne County Head Start Program Community Assessment

Neva Nahan of the Center for Social Work Research served as principal investigator for planning and facilitating the implementation of a community assessment for The Wayne County Head Start Program. The assessment collected demographic information and data related to the needs of low-income families in Wayne County outside of the City of Detroit.

Learn more about Wayne County Head Start Program.

West Village Academy/Dearborn Academy Evaluation

Elizabeth Agius of the Center for Social Work Research conducted an evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant.  Ms. Agius worked closely with the program director and staff at two sites that provide an array of afterschool activities for elementary school students in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights.

Learn more about the West Village Academy.

The Center for Social Work Research also provided program development and evaluation for the following organizations:

  • Fans4Life
  • First Step, Inc.
  • Jewish Federation
  • Luella Hannan Memorial Foundation
  • Matrix Human Services
  • Southeast Michigan Community Alliance
  • Urban Neighborhood Initiative
  • Vista Maria
  • Hannan Foundation
  • Indiana University
  • Petcoke Advocacy Project
  • Family Mentoring Project